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Review: Jonny Woo's 'Strange Hill'

A druggie, a knickerless slapper, a righteous Christian-type clarinet player and a common as muck TV show host wannabe (“oi, who’re you callin’ common?! I’m middle class!)… This is no average school detention - prepare yourself for just over an hour of cross-dressing, zombie stalking, gender changing, table-dancing, short-skirted, cannibalistic mayhem with a quirky soundtrack and dance routines to boot. This is Fame meets Baz Luhrmann with a hint of Queen, a dash of the common people and a slap in the face with all things weird!

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Pirate Brickhill: 'An African in London' Pt 2 My Birthday vs. Zimbabwe Elections

Rather fed up with the whole boring prospect of turning 30 (which incidentally I have on good authority is the new 21), I decided to change the focus of the whole sorry mess by having an extended celebration spanning a little over a week. Having already racked up an impressive 3 hangovers, splitting up with my girlfriend, and working on a straight 8 film competition entry with awesome Big Red Button, I really felt like I was hitting the ground running as on the eve of my actual birthday a week ago I trundled off to the Legends of Zimbabwe Gig at the Stratford Rex.

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Hussey's Riot: 'B-Club'

Just when I hate London, when I see it as a focus less nowhere this city offers something. It was the B-Club that gave London it's chance last week, an event that to begin with I felt was an aimless (perhaps heartless is the word) night attended by fashionista shells, those vanilla souls in hipster disguise. It wasn't actually and because of this unusual night I got a treat. London showed me one of its hidden places, a jewel normally swept back in its grey folds...the Temple Room of the Andaz hotel.

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Word up! New gallery opening at 119 Bethnal Green Road (top of Brick Lane). It's called Austin, it is very great. It is run by the founder of, an online new British art-dealer. Austin will have regular exhibitions of both new work from around the UK and working international artists. Plus parties, installations, video nights and no doubt more! The possibilities are endless ... keep your keen eyes open, kids!

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Letter from Moscow: Conceiving a National Leader

In an ideal world elections and sex are matters of choice. Not so in Russia, where the recent presidential election resembled a coronation with a subsequent plebiscite rather than a democratic poll. As expected, Putin's anointed heir, Dmitry Medvedev, won a landslide victory – a story I am sure you've heard plenty of times in recent weeks.

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Hussey's Riot: 'Florence the Beauty'

Two beautiful things happened this Saturday night at the 'Beyond the Valley of the Dolls' party at the Whitechapel. The second involved a redhead, the first involved a lift. Yes, for the moment, let us discuss lifts.

Previously in my journalistic careen I have only had cause to mention lifts once. I was going to write a music piece for some mag and pitched the idea with this tag line

‘Jamie Cullum and lifts are living proof of re-incarnation because without doubt, at some point in history, he was one.’

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Style and Dis-Grace

Let’s begin this dirty little excuse of a love affair with a brief intro to get the niceties out of the way. Then we can kick back with a glass of Sancerre and get down to business. Me: 20 something stylist, writer, co-owner of a fashion website and fully paid up member of the fashion fascists of Great Britain. You: new devoted reader. I don’t even mind if it’s out of utter disdain.

Moving on….


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Giorgia on My Mind: 'China Now'

Engaging with the Chinese Cultural Power: Is the ‘Now’ motif rather than the ‘Then’ to matter? Giorgia Orlandi looks at the ‘China Now’ season taking place London wide, the largest festival on Chinese culture in the UK.

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