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Bird's Review: Spyski

A film, shot in night-vision, shows a bird's-eye-view of a remote Siberian town. Unsavoury genetic experiments are taking place. The scientists' buildings, from far above, look austere and forbidding. The town is cold-hearted, desperate. Clouds drift across the freezing sky.

Except none of this exists. The town is papier-maché, the clouds are cotton wool blobs, lollystick lampposts and Lego men are scanned by a common cam-corder.

Spyski is refreshingly daft, not least in terms of the plot, which runs more or less as follows:

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Hussey’s Riot: La Clique / Brett Haylock

In a transformation both spiritual and physical the elite cabaret La Clique have landed in London, bringing variety back to the Hippodrome - a venue synonymous with the West End at its least discerning. Patrick Hussey meets the man behind the action, the fellow brushing the sparks from his shoulders – Brett Haylock.

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Interview: Anton Mirto / A2

Performance art duo, A2 have been described as being ‘like a chance meeting of TS Eliot and Agnes Varda’. Since forming in 1999, they have established a dedicated following of fans. Some have been audience, while many others have actually been involved with the personal performances that more than often delve deeply into questions about the human condition. Franck Bordese meets co-Director Anton Mirto in between rehearsals for their next work ‘About Blindness’ that premieres at the Royal Opera House on Friday, 14th November.

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Hussey's Riot: 'Scratch! my BAC'

The first and most obvious star of the Scratch new theatre festival is the building. Where have they been hiding the Battersea Arts Centre? Well Battersea obviously but very efficiently, I had never once heard of the place until I tiptoed up its steps last Wednesday night.

I had been promised new and engaging creativity, Scratch puts on deliberately informal and experimental theatre which I certainly got but on the way there I was struggling.

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Album Review: Noblesse Oblige – ‘In Exile’

‘This is soooo fresh! I love the whole electro-Afro Highlife influences - fucking cool with a twist of synth heaven aka Jean Michelle Jarre on the set of a Wolfgang Petersen shoot ... Fucking awesome! My mate Henry Smithson and them Radioclit boys will love this! Must get a copy to Dave [Lynch].’ DJ Silencio on the new album, In Exile from Noblesse Oblige. Indeed, we asked two of our music writers to give the album a seeing to. Silencio sets the scene, while Todd Hart (Dalston Oxfam Blog, Manifesto) talks music.

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Scottee: Edinburgh Diary 2008

I'm on another horrid Virgin train journey - Sarah Jane at Euston reception was as unhelpful as she could be, but I managed to find a train towards the north, surrounded by drunk Scot's & actors on mobiles - It can only be the Edinburgh Fringe! Last year I kept you in the know about my festival activities and this year is no different. 

This year I'm performing with the wonderful Pustra / Vile-een in 'And the Devil may drag you under' - I'm excited, nervous, scared but most of all glad to get out of the big smoke for a few weeks! 

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