The Other Woman Podcast 17: A New Year

'It's been a hectic few months what with Piney Gir touring the USA and Ruth Barnes starting the Breakfast show on Amazing Radio, but boy have we missed the podcast. We promise to bring you a monthly instalment from now on in. We start 2013 with a look at how we feel about this year that has no logo, no t-shirt and no marketing campaign - liberating or despondent? Journalist Jude Rogers celebrates Lost Musical Dame Shannon, Stef Schadenfruede has a not-to-be-missed showbiz rant and we welcome an honorary Pod member Jeannette Leech, psych folk aficionado and author, to talk about her new blog A Tale of 2 Readers - a book a week! Quite a challenge. We celebrate the domination of women in pop music in 2013 and say: At long last! Join us for a sometimes sweary but we guarantee always entertaining discussion and more ginger biscuits than you can shake a stick at. If you like, subscribe to us in iTunes.'