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Pamflet present their 3rd salon: The Craft at Drink, Shop, Do

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Time 20:00
Date 27/09/11
Price £11

Cult feminist zine Pamflet team up with Jazz Domino Holly for a Craft themed salon.

Jazz Domino Holly author of The Queen of Crafts (published by Penguin on 1 September) Join the Pamflet girls at Drink Shop, Do for a DIY-themed evening with inspiration and chat from author/columnist/feminist/W.I. reviver Jazz who’ll be reading from the book and explaining why making stuff means so much to her.

For the book club in the salon's second half they'll be discussing E. M. Delafield's domestic classic Diary of A Provincial Lady, so read it beforehand if you can and bring along your copy.

BUY TICKETS: Tickets (including cake&wine) cost £10 plus £1 booking fee in advance only from Eventbrite.

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