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A gathering to reclaim Brixton! at the Windrush Square

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Time 12:00
Date 25/04/15
Price Free

Brixton's vibrancy now has a question mark on it. Will it turn into a living museum or will it live?

Earning less than £25,000? Or long-standing Afro-Caribbean resident? Maybe artist, musician? Shopkeeper? Librarian? Community worker? A teenage skater? A senior resident? A child who likes to play outside pens? Show the world your love for Brixton. 

The fight against gentrification starts here!!

Homes are ripped apart? Recreate Brixton homes & interiors on the square!

Businesses, community spaces, venues get shut? Re-enact Brixton's bustling activist & artistic scene on the square!

Bring deco, props, musical instruments, picture frames, explanation tags, organise audio-tours, anything that highlights the threat of disappearance & tokenisation of Brixton people and Brixton culture. This is a demo and a party, create, participate, think, share and have fun!

Meet up in front of the Black Cultural Archives on Windrush square on Saturday 25 April, midday to reclaim Brixton. 

****Reclaim Brixton is all for change and regeneration in areas that existing communities benefit, the antithesis of gentrification.*****

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