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Alpha-ville Festival 2011: blablabLAB's 'Be Your Own Souvenir'

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Time 23:00
Date 21/09/11
Price Free

Roaming the streets of East London, the blablabLAB team will sculpt you as a figurine using three-dimensional printing.

Thur 22nd  –Shoredich – Redmarket Square

Fri 23rd  – Shoredich- Red Market Square
Sat 24th– Dalston Gillett- Sq

The user is both producer and consumer in this unique art installation and project. Be Your Own Souvenir invites the viewer to perform the role of and become a human statue, with a free personal souvenir as a reward: a small figurine of the participant, printed three-dimensionally from a volumetric reconstruction of their form, generated by the use of a structured light scanner.

Be Your Own Souvenir connects street users, arts and science, linking them to under-lying alternative spaces and their own realities. The audience are released from established roles in a perspective exchange: spectator-performer, artist-tourist, observer-object.

The installation was enjoyed during two weekends in January 2011 by the tourists, neighbours of La Rambla and citizens of Barcelona, a city that faces a trade-off between identity and gentrification, economic sustainability and economic growth. 

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