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Chila Kumari Singh Burman meets Frances Morris at Tate Modern

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Time 19:00
Date 10/12/21
Price £18

Join artist Chila Kumari Singh Burman and Director of Tate Modern Frances Morris as they explore the Hindu mythology, colonial history and personal memories that inspire Chila's work.

Afterwards, immerse yourself in Burman's vibrant vision at Tate Edit, where you can taste Burman's ice cream, a mango and cardamom kulfi made for Tate, and named after her father's ice cream van business.

Chila Burman is celebrated internationally for her radical feminist practice, spanning printmaking, drawing, painting, installation and film. Her Punjabi and Liverpudlian heritage enrich her self-expressive work. She mashes up stereotypes to create new identities, beyond the limitations imposed on South Asian women in a British cultural context.

Frances Morris is Director of Tate Modern.

COMPETITION: Win 1x pair of tickets to attend Chila Kumari Singh Burman meets Frances Morris at Tate Modern at 19:00 on Friday 10 December 2021.

To enter the competition, send an email to with the correct answer in the ‘subject’ line. The winner will be randomly selected.

Q: As part of this event, you will be able to taste Chila's kulfi. Which combination of flavour's are used?
A: .1)
Pistachio, vanilla and rose .2) almond and grapefruit .3) strawberry and basil .4) mango and cardamom

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