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Time 20:00
Date 26/03/23
Price £72.93
  • Price $72.93
  • Get ready for action through music
  • Bring along a ton of energy
  • See you at Scala

Boombox in London.

In the legendary film of the Ukrainian director and actor Leonid Bykov “Only “old men go to battle”, the main character, Captain Tytarenko, nicknamed “Maestro”, utters an equally legendary phrase: “Who said that we should give up a song in war?” For us, Boombox Family, these words are a guide to action. A full-scale war started on February 24, 2022 by the Russian-fascist invaders, made us forget for a long time “who we are and where we come from”. Territorial defence, police service, volunteering – at some points it was simply not up to the music . The very thought of listening to anything, let alone playing it, seemed seditious. But then… You carefully turn on your favourite song. And another. And another. And it helps. If you’re a seasoned fan or a newbie band, after hearing “Oh in the meadow red viburnum” performed by Andrii Khlyvniuk, come to the band’s concerts in Europe.

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