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Sci-fi Film Night: It Came from Outer Space at The Royal Observatory Greenwich

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Time 18:45
Date 18/07/13
Price £7

Starring Richard Carlson and Barbara Rush, this was the first movie from Universal Studios shot in 3D.

Written by famous science-fiction author Ray Bradbury, the pulp science fiction title hides a rather surprising tale. Peaceful aliens crash land on earth and desperately try to repair their space ship before they are discovered by humans. The film is a commentary on Cold War paranoia.

Discover the inspiration behind the landmark science fiction movies, including War of the Worlds, This Island Earth and It Came from Outer Space. Following the movie a short talk will explore the range of possible attitudes aliens might have towards human beings. In doing so a few possible answers to a question known as the Fermi Paradox will be explored: ‘If intelligent life is common in the universe, where is everybody?’

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