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miles & miles / Jacket Dance at Chisenhale Dance

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Time 19:00
Date 10/03/17
Price £12

Part of TwoFold: a festival of duet performance.

miles & miles forms part of The Difference Between Home and Poem: a duet series. Each project in the series is jointly made, directed and performed by Karen Christopher and another artist.

Karen and Sophie are two performers at the edge of a landscape. They are trying to untangle the distinction between imagining it and faking it. They are tied to opposite ends of a 100-meter rope. The more they know, the greater our sense of uncertainty. Keeping their eyes on the horizon line, they follow the script until the bottom falls out. They struggle back to the surface and try again.

Jacket Dance
a duet by Dan Watson & Matthew Winston

Jacket Dance is a duet about dancing ridiculously. Not as joke or ironic comment but curiously and joyfully. The kind of ridiculous perhaps found in excitable kids, excessively drunk wedding guests, dancers too old to care, too inexperienced to compose, too overwhelmed to self-edit. We think there must be something seriously meaningful and interesting in the idea of ridiculous dancing.

Performer Biographies:

Karen Christopher is a collaborative performance maker, performer, and teacher. Her company, Haranczak/Navarre Performance Projects, is engaged in the dynamics of collaboration. Her practice includes listening for the unnoticed, the almost invisible, and the very quiet. She was a member of the Chicago-based performance group Goat Island for 20 years until the group disbanded in 2009.

Sophie Grodin is a performance maker working in London and Copenhagen. With other London-based artists she collaborated to create Room (2012), a performance that co-authors a story with one audience member at a time. Sophie graduated in Performance Arts at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

Boris Hauf is a multi-intrumentalist, composer, producer and performer. He composes for large and small ensembles, performance artists, film, radio, soloists, video and installation art. Current bands include Owl & Mack, Postmarks, Next Delusion, The Peeled Eye. As performer and composer he collaborates closely with choreographers including Christina Ciupke, Martin Nachbar, Karen Christopher. He owns and runs the independent record label shameless and lives in Berlin, Germany.

Dan Watson tries to do art. He thinks dance has a place on that. Sometimes other people ask him to do stuff, like Gecko, Nigel Charnock, Wendy Houstoun and StopGAP amongst others. He’s made a few things himself as well. Even worked on a movie. Good times.

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