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Dance Umbrella: Walking Stories at Various Locations

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Time 11:00
Date 17/10/15
Price £15

Supplied with an mp3 player and headphones, this audio walk for parks gives you a completely immersive experience that removes you from the clutter of everyday life.

Walking Stories runs every day of the festival from the first Saturday, and is suitable for all fitness levels.

Moving between watching, listening and following instructions, this piece takes you on a journey with yourself and your companions. Almost before realising it, you will be absorbed into a spontaneous walking dance. 

With direction from Charlotte Spencer and music by Tristan Shorr and Tom Spencer, Walking Stories has been enjoyed by hundreds of people. Presented in four London parks, it’s a novel take on contemporary choreography – both inventive and fun.
Dress for October and in comfortable shoes. Unless the storm has a name, Walking Stories will be going ahead.

17-31 October in Greenwich, Brockwell, Springfiled and Waterlow parks, 11:00, 13:00 and 16:00.

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