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From 26-28 July one of the largest creative communities in Europe team together in throwing open their studios for a bunch of parties, exhibitions, performances and arty happenings. We're talking about the highly acclaimed Hackney WickED festival.

Pulling it all together is our Guest Editor Anna Maloney, Creative Director of Hackney WickED.

In Anna's Run-Riot interview with writer Dr. Jareh Das she tells us what to expect from the 1000's of creatives in Hackney Wick and Fish Island; how they've united to help slow down the 'Shoreditch effect' (aka gentrification) of the area; the joys of cultural diversity - and future aspirations!

In our Magazine section, the legendary music and performance public relations aficionado, Anna Goodman writes for Run-Riot in celebration of 20 years of working in showbiz from the likes of Andrew Logan’s Alternative Miss World to Jonzi D's Breakin' Convention, baby!

Film director Tomas Lutuli Brickhill writes about Cook Off which premiere's in London on 27 July at the May Fair Hotel. The film has become the first Zimbabwean fiction feature ever to be selected for the Seattle International Film Festival - and was shot during the fall of Mugabe. Read the story here.

Artist Anton Mirto is running a series of exclusive free workshops for anyone aged 9-99 interested in performance and live-art, with a spiritual skew. Expect to improvise, move, make, and play. More info here.

For more weird culture gems and obscure competitions and offers - browse our Offers page. As for the best of the rest - rummage through our genre-bending pages where you'll find plenty of haut happenings.

Here's to wishing you a wicked (obvs!) weekend dear Players! Bottoms up! RR xx

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