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The Amazings

Learning to knit with your grandma. Baking cakes with a favourite aunt. Spending long afternoon's swapping stories and dropping stitches. Years of experience passed down from one generation to the next.

Many of us have learnt to make, mend and master from our elders. The Amazings are here to keep this tradition going.

The world is moving quickly and spinning ever faster towards the Next. New. Thing. But loving the new doesn’t mean neglecting the old. There’s value in knowledge that has been hard won; value in experience that has been built up over a lifetime. The Amazings want to keep knowledge alive.

Like turning a forgotten fabric into a beautiful quilt, The Amazings want to upcycle heritage skills into something vital for a new era. They value the past but also value blending different crafts, different ideas, and different generations. Preserving knowledge. Celebrating handmade. Encouraging generations to collaborate. Sharing stories. 

Collaborate with amazing elders here.

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