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Wanted: Roving 'ART' Journalist - Apply NOW

Deadline: 5pm, Wednesday, 16th June
The event takes place on Saturday, 19th June.
NOTE: Owning your own smart phone with camera and a Twitter account an advantage.
Contact: Joon Lynn Goh

Are you a budding journalists? Would you like to revel as a roving reporter to Mark McGowan's 8 hour crawl-come-art piece, 'Please Fergive Me'?

We are looking for journalists to follow and give live feedback via twitter/text/phone images etc to audiences at the DISTANCE festival, this 19-20 June.

His piece: Please Fergive Me. 'An 8 hour crawl on my hands and knees from Clapton's Salvation Army Mothers Hospital to Buckingham Palace with a sign on my back saying Please Fergive Me. Taking on the role of the scapegoat and doing a penance for Sarah Ferguson and her recent misjudgement in the news.'

His practice is about the 'significance of two points within the context of politics of distance - Including time, space, political, endurance and relevance. The sighting of two points and it's distance for my practice is particularly important for example when I crawled on my hands and knees for 55 miles from London Bridge to Canterbury or pushed a monkey nut along the road with my nose for 7 miles from Goldsmiths to 10 Downing Street.'  

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