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WANTED - House of Fairy Tales want your unwanted objects

Do you have a pair of old boots that have travelled the world? Or a shell given to you by a long lost lover? Or a copy of Lolita from a stranger in a nightclub? Or any other object in your possession with a story to tell? Would you like to donate it to a magical art project?

Lost and Found is collecting objects with stories behind them to furnish a Museum of Lost Stories.

Part little shop of horrors, part cabinet of curiosities, The Museum of Lost Stories will be accompanying The House of Fairy Tales visionary children’s education project and travelling art circus at festivals this summer where they will be used to create story telling workshops.

So far we have collected shoes, ears, baby teeth, lost soles, records, letters, photographs, shells, pheasant wings, bracelets, fur coats, butterflies, bullets, stuffed magpies, shrunken doors and giant pine cones.

We would love to invite you to add to this weird and wonderful collection.

All objects and their stories will be catalogued in The House of Fairy Tales online newspaper The HOFT Examiner, where their new tales, as written by children, will be added.

If you have an object to donate please contact:

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