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SPILL National Platform - Call for entries

23rd & 24th April 2011 
SPILL National Platform

Call for entries
Are you an artist who has been showing performance work publicly for up to three years or have performed two works in an independent public forum? Well then here's your chance to be part of SPILL Festival of Performance 2011.

12 emerging artists and companies will have the opportunity to showcase a piece of their work at the National Theatre Studio to an audience made up of national and international promoters, and members of the public.

For information on the Platform, and to download an application pack please visit the website here.
DEADLINE for applications is 5.00pm on Friday 7th  January 2011
Unfortunately, due to the anticipated high number of applications, it will not be possible to engage in telephone, email or postal exchange before application.  
This platform is organised by Pacitti Company, makers of SPILL Festival of Performance and supported by the Jerwood Charitable Foundation


Official Application Website:


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