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Decorating Day for The Parlour- artists' and non-artists' help needed!

Here's a shout out from the lovely folk at Mien magazine, after some help from anyone handy with a paintbrush!

Hello all you lovely arty types!
Your skills are urgently needed to help bring to life the latest pop-up phenomenon; a nostalgic Parlour inspired by old fashioned living rooms where families and friends would come together to read, write, paint, play music and generally enjoy themselves; TV, playstation and Twitter free! It's being launched by Dana Gornitzki, Editor of MIEN Magazine, an online publication dedicated to etiquette, culture and style.
'The aim of the Parlour is to take guests away from the fast-paced,intense, digital world we live in, inviting them to interact and engage with each other in a charming setting'
There'll be a number of events, including parlour games, old film screenings, poetry reading and so forth, as well as tea and cake on the Sunday. Camden Council have provided us with a really amazing pop-up space in Clerkenwell; what we need to do on the 3rd March is transform it into an eclectic living room environment! We are not bothered about historical accuracy and already have number of pieces of modern artwork to hang; we really want to make it free of the gadgets and gizmos of this age, but with plenty of
contemporary style thrown in alongside the retro features. We're going to have some old fashioned furniture and hopefully a few props like globes/mirrors. If you are up for coming to help paint some features onto the walls; stencils, faux wallpaper,bookshelves or hat stands maybe, then please please come and join us on the 3th. We'll be providing refreshments and plenty of merriment throughout the
day, and you'll be credited for your help in our programme and on our facebook page. If you're not
artistically talented, you're still very welcome to come along as there will be blank walls that just
need painting block colours too. If you're interested in helping out, then please get in touch at

For more info on the Parlour itself, have a look here: ...

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