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Portfolio Preview #8 / Tom Jackson


Who are you and what do you do?

Tom Jackson, who creates glorified doodles, plays with shapes, colours and letters and makes them all look pretty at the end of it all.


Why do you do what you do?

Because it’s something I can do semi successfully, but above all it’s fun and enjoyable.


How do you work?

In my sketchbook, and if something sticks then I’ll go with it and see what happens. A lot of trial and error involved!


What’s your background?

Mindless scribbles, then art class, then art school then degree in Graphic Arts.


What’s integral to the work of an artist?

Inspiration. Without it, you’re buggered.



What role does the artist have in society?

To offer a different shade on things, have a play with the norm’.


What has been a seminal experience?

Travelling. My travels have been seminal – folk you meet, things you see, stories you hear..


Explain what you do in 100 words

I put pencil to paper and have a crack at whatever is in mind and through lots of coffee, flicking through itunes, looking out of the window, more scribbles even more coffee, feelings of doubt then an incredible surge of confidence, I’ll end up with a piece of work that fits it’s need! It will be through illustration, image making digitally or thinking up fun copy to go by the side of, most likely.


How has your practice change over time?

Digital has become essential, increased use of the digital programs has become more and more apparent – I wouldn’t always reach for a pen, but a tablet to start.


What art do you most identify with?

Anything that is music related; be it record sleeves or gig posters, ever since I was a nipper it’s always inspired.


What work do you most enjoying doing?

One with plenty of freedom, and that of illustration based work – personal work working through my sketchbook is the most fun.


What’s your strongest memory of your childhood?

Going away on short holidays with the parents.. Scotland, Wales, camping trips. Good stuff!


What themes do you pursue?

People and their quirks. Interesting bunch, we are.



What’s your scariest experience?

Turbulence. Every time it gets me..


What’s your favourite art work?

 It changes whenever David Shrigly draws something new.


Describe a real-life situation that inspired you?

Not sure it’s a ‘situation’ but I’m currently working on  illustrating facebook statuses that occur on certain days (most recently was Pancake Day, coming up will by The Royal Wedding) I find what people write on their status fascinating.


What’s your most embarrassing moment?

Too many!


What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

Working for a couple of charities, Docters without Boarders and Child Fund Australia, and chef work back home in Yorkshire.


Why art?

Because it’s super enjoyable, both through creating and looking at others.


What is an artistic outlook on life?

Everyone has their own version, one that offer’s different points of view, I guess!


What memorable responses have you had to your work?

A Norwiegen man wrote a poem about it, once. Atleast, my work was mentioned. It started along the lines of.. “A real Life Jesus…”!?


What food, drink, song inspires you?

Salads are good. Coffee is essential. And Music, right now it’s Nicolas Jaar.


Is the artistic life lonely? What do you do to counteract it?

I wouldn’t call it lonely. Plenty of opportunities to work with people and collaborate if it does get lonely, though.


What do you dislike about the art world?

One up-man ship. But then again, it can mean folk make better work for the sake of out doing someone else..


What do you dislike about your work?

Over doing it. I must know when to stop..


What do you like about your work?

Over doing it. The little things that count…


Should art be funded?



What role does arts funding have?

To help people find their feet and realise that it can be a viable path to take. Once path has been found, then it can help support. Of course, it is ultimately over to the designer to make things happen.


What makes you angry?

Burning my toast and noisy eaters. Or losing, I’m a rubbish loser.


What research to you do?

Depending on the project, I try talking to as many folk as possible. If that’s not possible, whatever the next best thing would be..


What superpower would you have and why?

To fly. Or to surf really well. That’s kind of a super power…?


Name something you love, and why.

I love to travel, sense of adventure and all that.. getting out there and meeting people is the best thing in the world and I do love it!


Name something you don’t love, and why.

Admin. I’m terrible at filling out forms and ticking boxes.




What is your dream project?

To curate and take part in a series of shows in places all across the world.


Name three artists you’d like to be compared to.

Mike Perry, I love his work. Jon Burgerman or any of the No Brow guys, top stuff.


Favourite or most inspirational place?

Berlin, never seem to get tired of that place.


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Not sure if this counts, but “If it feels right, do it” from Jez out of the Peep Show has stuck with me..


Professionally, what’s your goal?

To have my own studio, surrounded by inspiring folk to work with and opportunities to travel around making art.


What wouldn’t you do without?

Pens. (they’re friends!)



If you would like to see your work here; then do add it to this Flickr group; or upload it to that facebook page or do just pop something in the post


All the best
Cure Studio

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