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Shubbak: Road Block at Rich Mix

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Time 10:00
Date 09/07/15
Price Free
  • Produced by Shubbak
  • Price FREE
  • Get ready to think 'the right to the city'.
  • Bring along civic duties.
  • Surf to more info
  • See you at Rich Mix

A group of artists and activists explore how power inscribes itself in urban space through architecture and images.

As parts of Bahrain transform into territories of dissent, where roundabouts become ‘squares’ and spaces for political speech and action, graffiti is visible like never before and road blocks and marches are part of everyday life – we see the scenography and spectacle of revolution.

Featuring photography, sound works and installation, Road Block enacts the ongoing battle for space and claims for ‘the right to the city’, that provoke and challenge us to reconsider the relationship that we have to space and power.

On Sunday 12th July at 3pm join the curators, researchers and artists that have developed the exhibition on a tour of the exhibition.

Shubbak is London’s largest biennial festival of contemporary Arab culture, bringing new and unexpected voices alongside established artists to audiences in London.

9-30 July

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