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Time 19:00
Date 24/03/11
Price Free

Each month KOSMICA will bring together the cosmically curious and culturally quirky space community for a social mix of art–space programmes.


KOSMICA at The Arts Catalyst

7-10pm on Thursday 24 March 2011

The Arts Catalyst, 50-54 Clerkenwell Road
London EC1M 5PS

Our monthly intergalactic gathering brings you:

Agnes Meyer-Brandis' lecture performance on art, science and weightlessness. Her starting point is an artistic project, entitled Cloud-Core-Scannerconducted under weightless conditionswith the DLR (German Aerospace Centre) in which she explores the boundaries separating fact and fiction, fantasy and technology.

We Colonised the Moon (Hagen Betzwieser and Sue Corke), who explore an idiosyncratic world view based on popular science, flexible wikipedia knowledge, graphical illustrations and various display formates. Hagen Betzwieser will talk about his experience in The Institute of General Theory and Sue Corke will describe their projectsMoon Scratch and Sniff and Lost in Space.

In a 1:1 performative encounter, 'Tinned Fingers take you into space', Tinned Fingers provide a short encounter for audience members - one at a time - that combines film, music and performance to give an experience of space travel in DIY style.  

KOSMICA is a free event, but space is limited, so please book here
Each month KOSMICA will bring together the cosmically curious and culturally quirky space community for a social mix of art–space programmes. The series is programmed by Nahum Mantra and the next KOSMICA will take place on Yuri's Night, Tuesday 12 April 2011.
More information here:
The event will be live streamed
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