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Dogs of London by Anna Walsh

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Time 08:00
Date 29/10/11
Price Free

We have all heard the idea that a pet looks like its owner…but how much does the type of dog you choose say about your social status and the area you live in?

Anna Walsh's new exhibition is a continuation of her 'Dogs of London' project, with a playful take on social stereotypes and local observations.

20th September-29th October

A species is a natural phenomenon, a breed is engineered by man, and none more profoundly than the dog. No other species has been used to create such a huge variety of odd looking creatures, and yet each has its own individual character and appeal, much like the different areas in London. From the affluent Knightsbridge to the edgy east end, the suited City to the suburban Crouch End, different postcodes attract different residents and so build up its unique make-up.

The main feature is a Dogs of London Map; an illustrated map of where each dog 'lives' in London. It is inspired by traditional map drawings, especially of London, where the river Thames more often than not takes centre stage, splitting the city in half with its curvaceous, winding form.

Each of the 35 dogs is placed in their postcode area, with an 'explanation' to the sides giving a brief description of each breed. Much of the text is taken from the book 'Champions Dogs of the World' by Richard Hamilton Glyn, as Walsh found the descriptions of the dogs often uncannily describing the inhabitants of certain areas….. The style of the individual prints , hand coloured with water colours, takes inspiration from natural history illustrations – mixing traditional skill and techniques with a contemporary twist.

Weekdays 9am-5pm Weekend opening times vary so please call the church before visiting

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